Normally when I write this blog I think ok you have to be inspiring, your words need to speak to people. However in this blog I am simply going to jump for joy - or for those of you that remember the show Perfect Strangers I am going to go Balki on you and dance the Dance of Joy (insert di di di and dancing). As you know I've been on a journey to make myself healthier and happier, well on Friday part of that was achieved. Now I am usually insanely nervous when I go to the dr because well I hate being poked, prodded and weighed. This dr visit I can say was one of the BEST of my life; first off I lost SEVEN lbs! Hell it's probably more like 10 because they have one of the old timey scales; either way - I'm DOING IT! I'm taking the weight off slowly but surely.
Not just that but the dr was HAPPY not the fake kind of happy but the this is the reason I do this job type of happy. Not only had I lost the weight but the anti depressant/anti anxiety meds she gave me are doing their job. I am better able to deal with things; even when life throws me a curve ball - if I can't hit it out of the park I at least get a foul tip. For you non baseball people - it means that I don't feel like I want the earth to open up and swallow me whole when life gets tough. I have more energy - I even played a half hour of soccer the other day with my son! 2 months ago that would have NEVER happened. I can also go up the stairs at his school without feeling like I'm going to keel over (seriously it's like climbing Mt. Everest). This may seem like small things to some, but for me its like winning a race.
Is it all fun and games and easy as pie? HELL NO - if it were I would have taken the weight off years ago! Matter of fact the dr told me I have to watch my salt as my bp is a little high. However I think this is the first time I've been REALLY serious about it and doing it, and when I can't do it and I need that extra push I have great friends and family that give me the edge and the encouragement to do it.
So I apologize if you don't walk away with some new philosophical perspective, but I am happy as a pig in shit as my dad would say. I won't apologize for it either; if nothing else I hope that some of this happiness wears off on others and makes them feel good about their lives too!
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